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A B2Bs initiative for creatives, technologists, researchers and entrepreneurs
Match & Create is an international match-making initiative bringing together cultural and creative industries, tech companies, traditional enterprises and research centres.
It is a unique opportunity to connect different domains and generate new business contacts: developing innovation through cross-fertilization.
Meetings will take place online in a dedicated area and will be arranged online through this website.
This initiative is organized within ICT meets the Arts: a two-day online event dedicated to the interaction of arts and new technologies to boost innovation, developed in in the framework of RegionArts, a project co-funded by the Interreg Europe programme.
Topics addressed:
- Cultural and Creative Industries
- ICT and new technologies
- Design
- Innovation
Why participate?
- As a creative and cultural organization or freelance professional - find qualified digital partners to enhance your offer or potential customers who can benefit from your products or services
- As an ICT company or expert - find SMEs that want to innovate by implementing new technologies in their workflow
- As a researcher - find traditional enterprises that can benefit from your findings and put it on the market
- As a traditional enterprise - find partners to discuss new technologies or creative formats to conceive innovative solutions
How can you benefit from this event?
- Publish and showcase your products, projects, services or research to event participants
- Post your business needs and look for participants who could provide a solution
- Arrange 1:1 meetings during the event
- Generate new contacts in a time and cost-efficient way
- Stay one step ahead of your competitors by being seen and visibly present at the event
The Top 3 objectives to make Match & Create a success:
- Meet potential partners, customers and suppliers
- Discover new products, services and research studies
- Keep in contact once the meeting is over
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